If you’ve seen and heard a Murray Cod engulf a surface lure, you’ve witnessed one of the most exciting and heart-stopping fishing experiences our region has to offer.
1 Photos Tags Murray Cod
Amongst the influx of new products headed our way, there has been some there’s been some particularly cool ones that got my attention; here’s a sneak peak at how I am finding them.
5 Photos Tags Williamson Popper Pro Storm Gomoku RAPALA XXX Rap
"One more cast, just one more cast”.
Are you into catch-and-release fishing? Or do you prefer catching a nice bag of fish to feed your family and friends?
1 Photos Tags Graham Fifield Hamish Webb Deep hooking Hooks Landing nets
Off the back of a very busy autumn looking after tourists, some South Coast charter boat operators are looking forward to winter when things quite down and they can so a little fishing for themselves.
New GPS equipped EPIRB from GME ensures faster location.
1 Photos Tags Beacons EPIRB Market leading Emergency Beacon manufacturer GME