Ahh Eurobodalla, land of many waters and indeed the land of many fish. There are SO MANY fish species and beautiful spots, you can spend a lifetime exploring and it breaks my heart to say that’s exactly what my friends and I do ��
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It’s not often a truly new style of boat like the Sea Doo Switch enters the market, and she’s turning heads that’s for sure! However hype aside, the true test of a good boat is using it in a variety of scenarios to see how she goes.
My testing began when the first Switch, the 21 foot version, landed in Australia some 12 months ago. Here’s what I have found so far.
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Ahh those sunny, summer days in Victoria as a kid, splashing around in the shallows at the beach, pool or river.
Long, lazy days under the sun
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I never hesitate to visit the Great Barrier Reef. It is the world’s largest Coral reef and one of the seven natural wonders of the world…and it’s built by living organisms! It’s significance is such that its size and colours can be seen from outer space.
Not surprisingly the fishing is AMAZING, and hence wetting a line is one of the most popular activities across this massive system.
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People always ask me “what does it take to get a gig on Fishing Australia?”. Well – you need an amazing place with brilliant fishing, a skilled angler that more importantly has a desire to learn, and most importantly a passion for fishing!
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I have the best job in the world filming our country’s top fishing destinations…
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