I recently had the chance to have a proper test run in Hobie’s latest Fishing Kayak, the Pro Angler 17 Tandem, and it’s now obvious there are some new fishing scenarios that this craft has catered for.
4 Photos Tags Hobie Pro Angler 17 Tandem Hobie Pro Anglers PA 17T
I caught a fish last weekend. That's not particularly surprising I suppose given I go fishing and write about fishing quite often. But this fish was different to usual. In fact it was really quite special.
Hello folks. Well the silliest of the season is over and it’s that time when locals start to stick their heads out again and can now venture back down to the boat ramps without any stress of the holiday traffic.
It’s been around a year now that we’ve been living right on the water at my new base in Pelican Waters on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.
Ok, we will start from the back to front. Bass! Oh my wordy yes. The bass are well and truly on and it doesn’t matter where you’re at it’s a bass fest and plenty of PB’s being broken.
1 Photos Tags Anthony Stokman black and purple Ausspin lures Spinnerbaits kingie’s
The Iconic Hobie Fishing Kayaks whose headquarters are based here on the NSW South Coast have boosted the sport by joining forces with kayak competition body ‘B.A.S.S Australia Nation’.
1 Photos Tags Iconic Hobie Fishing Kayaks Hobie Kayak Bass Series B.A.S.S Australia Nation