Welcome to the world’s first fishing card game that’s fun for all ages AND educates on sustainable Fishing.
Collect “sustainable” fish cards, hope for a “wild card”, and laugh when your friends get a “tangled” card.
Made by 9 year old Zoe Paxevanos with the help of her family and friends it fits in your pocket and you can take it anywhere
Absolutely 100% Aussie concept, design, and printed in Australia on environmentally friendly soy ink.
Game includes 53 playing cards, box and rules.
Limited Fishing Australia Special
20% off price + free delivery
(New Total = $19.95)
DVD Includes:
• How to catch your first trout and then many more after that
• Hot new techniques to catch your biggest trout
• Safety chapter
• Essential knots and new knots in a brilliant new and easy-to-follow format