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Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Around 50 University of NSW international students from China, Singapore, Vietnam, Korea, Malaysia, Japan and Iran will learn about fishing and swimming safely and responsibly in Australian conditions, thanks to a Department of Primary Industries fishing and water safety workshop in Sydney.
George Mannah, Fisheries Community Relations Manager, Department of Primary Industries said the workshop was a joint initiative, run together with the Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW and Surf Lifesaving NSW, Asian Women at Work and the University of NSW Student Representative Council International.
“Asian communities are at an increased risk of injury or death associated with water-based activities, and the workshop program went some way toward addressing this risk in the broader Asian communities, both locally and internationally,” Mr Mannah said.
“The fishing workshop was a fun, informative and interactive way to educate students about responsible, sustainable and enjoyable fishing, with a strong emphasis on fishing and swimming safety.
“The practical skills these students learnt at the workshop empowered them to not just keep themselves safe, but also act as ambassadors to take fishing and water safety messages back to their communities.
“Fishing is a passion that crosses language barriers and cultural boundaries and wetting a line is a healthy, relaxing and family friendly activity for all Australians.”
Chairman of the Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW, Malcolm Poole said participants received rock fishing and swimming safety information, and won various prizes, including life jackets, fishing gear and rock fishing safety equipment.
“The workshop taught swimming and fishing safety with an emphasis on rock fishing and how to use safety equipment such as life jackets,” Mr Poole said.
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