And the waters are pristine
Shark Bay is where the red dessert meets the sea and the fishing is beyond compare
There is loads of remote coastline to explore
Skippers flies direct to Shark Bay from Perth
Mac Attack Charters was Rob's first stop
Guest Peter Berryman found the snapper fishing exceptional even by WA standards
The backdrop continued to impress
It was a testing field for new products like this XXX Rap Cast
On this trip the XXX Rap was out performing the more common metal slugs
Colorful fish like this coral cod were found out towards Dirk Hartog
As were one of Rob's Faves - the unique and Tasty Rankin Cod
A special flight revealed more potential hotspots
And AMAZING colors like Big Lagoon
Onto the main mission 'Kayak Cobia' off remote beaches
Rob and Pete sailed along looking for the best bays
While a famous local from nearby Monkey Mia looked on
Rob then sight fished the shallows...his fav form of Fishing
Great fight
Nearly gotcha
The smallest Cobia...wait till you see the giant one in the episode
Join Rob and team on Ep#12 2014 Shark Bay - one of their best adventures yet